Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ya well this should’ve been my first post but well that’s just me.....but isn’t that just what life is all about? Expect the unexpected. And speaking of expectations this is what you can expect and NOT expect from my blog. 


1.               It’s not about how my day was and what I did the whole day. How I spent my time in college and what I did back home..

2.             It’s just a compilation of random thoughts, some serious stuff and a serious attempt at humor. I don’t mind failing on any thing. Or anyone for that matter.

3.             Why is it not about what I did all day n blah blah blah…well because its not! Why should it be? I’m no Angelina jolie whose life you’d be interested in. I’m just a nobody in a random place in India doing my duties of being an obedient daughter (at least trying hard) and a biotechnology student who attends all lectures and does the practicals very seriously. Then comes home and does the assignments, watches TV, helps mum, talks to 2 best friends and makes notes for the next day. So why do you need to hear the same story everyday?

4.             Another reason why my blog is not a daily is well I don’t want it to be and neither do I have time. No time?? You can have all the time in the world...blah blah blah.. Please don’t start that. When I say no time it also means lack of inspiration and motivation and interest. so that’s that

5.              My blog is not 100% me. What % it’s me I can’t tell you because even I don’t know that. And I don’t want to put my 100% either. This isn’t making any sense is it?

6.              All you people who think I am very good and par excellence thank you very much. But as self-derogatory as I am I don’t agree. I wouldn’t say I don’t care. That would be a downright lie. I do care. But then I don’t want to and end up being confused and go back to studying or listening to music.

7.              Comments will be moderated. I thank everyone for commenting. But then this blog is for my satisfaction. Everyone’s allowed to put forth their point of view. I love debates!

8.             And lastly ending this cynical post I blog because I want to. I do not blog because I have to or I should.


So thank you everyone for reading my blog. It does feel good when someone reads your blog. But even if no one does there’s still this satisfaction that I have something that’s mine and where I can have my freedom of speech and write about whatever I want to.

This blog is purely for the love of language. And to see to it that my connection with writing or attempting to write never breaks.

 Till the next time then..or not. :)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What exactly do u do in a boring boring lecture?

I’m sure nobody in the world can proclaim that he or she has never ever attended a boring lecture! I’ll give that person prize money and personally escort him or her to a psychiatrist.

So what do u do? Or did? For convenience let us divide the students into 3 categories a) front benchers b) the in-betweens and c) the back-benchers. As an animal of a particular species adapts itself to its surroundings so do these people.

Front benchers? Well do they really have an option? I mean ok I too sit on the font bench in 2 out of the 3 lectures I attend (ok not exactly the first right under the professor’s nose and amidst the chalk dust) but all the days in the year? I agree that some lectures are interesting but not all. What if you’re caught in such a situation? You have no other way out than dreaming. It’s the no. 1 solution in such cases. Use your imaginative powers to the core. After all where do you think great artists and poets like Wordsworth sat? (Except of course the commode. Another excellent place for a brainwave after bath tubs as in the case of Aristotle).If the teacher sees you start nodding excessively. This might cause a sprain in your neck beside the othe effects like asthama caused by the chalk dust and going deaf owing to the shrill voice of the prof. And even your brain wakes up as it gets shaken so hard because of the nodding.


  The in betweens- these guys know how to play it safe and are my personal favorites. What are the possibilities one can explore in such a situation? One can draw anything in the world! My friend anuja used her caricatures and the other interesting stuff she drew in the biology class and made a portfolio out of it. People who have never attended their art class at school discover an all new side of theirs. Drawing cartoons, stick figures, caricatures, cars, or even your own inventions like superheroes with extra ordinary powers! Is such a good feeling. Other options include the cousins of drawing lettering and calligraphy. Sheetal for once was obsessed with lettering. And I hate to admit she was pretty good at it. Still is. And another friend of mine derives god knows what pleasure in writing the word ‘rat’ yes you read it correctly ‘rat’ all over the page in cursive.

Females of my class get nostalgic sometimes and start playing x and 0. And also joining the dots. At school the others use to play FLAMES and love percentage and giggle stupidly.

The last benchers are a test of time. Well atleast some are. These include two sub categories- 1) those who were born intelligent and are good at multi-tasking. These are the highly intelligent species that can text from under the bench, keep looking around and also answer satisfactorily when the teacher suspiciously asks them a question.  2) The totally ignorant, who-the-hell cares dudes (or wannabes in most of the cases) who never listen to what the prof has to say, borrow someone else’s notes and barely manage to pass. Last benchers can do all the things the in betweens can and also have a chat. They can also doze off to sleep. They are the most benefited in a boring lecture. You have to match up with all the criteria these people have in order to obtain a seat at the back of the class. And you have no business staring at these people with frustration if you cannot listen to what the professor has to say. Who asked you to sit there in the first place?

    The other things that one can do are make paper planes, stare dumbly at the board and other stuff.  The sincere kinds who would die but not admit directly that the desk is more interesting than the professor start completing their notes, journals etc.                                                              These are the stepping stones towards successfully surviving board (bored whichever) meetings in the future. Start practicing now!                                                                                       (p.s. this was written in one of the boring lectures.)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year!!

so 2009 eh?? good good.. thats good.. hope this year is much more cheerful than 2008 nad also brings along common sense and awakening in people! so heres wishing a happy and prosperous new year to everyone! stay safe, healthy and enjoy life!