Friday, November 28, 2008

what the hell!!!

enough of this crap!! why do we have to suffer so much!! so now people armed with ak 47 and a full supplie of grenades can just enter our homes, hotels, trains, planes and other places and just blow us off while w what we are left to do is just watch crappy news channels who proclaim "these pictures are EXCLUSIVELY on ..." exclusive???? excuse us please!!! and i totally agree with arnab goswami that we do not want those bloody politicians to come and make statements and listen to our pm while he says "we condemn this act and let us unite together to fight terrorism!"..oh for god sake's please!! wake up!! how many more bomb blasts do we really want!! america gets one 9/11 and the whole of iraq and afghanistan goes up in flames!!
enough is enough!! its been 48 hours and the siege still continues.. now its high time some stringent measures are taken and the country is assured that it can go to sleep peacefully and not wake up to the morning newspaper yelling " another bomb blast..."
my prayers go out to all those affected...

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